Today marks the beginnin of the week.
Today marks the beginnin of the 7th week.
...but not the beginnin of IPP.
Thinkin back on how we wished IPP to start soon, to get away frm
the dreadful books to the point of time now where we just wished
that IPP would end immediatly cos it suks.
Oh but is it really?
Sure, back in sch we gained alot basic knowledge, but it is here we pieces the puzzle together.
For once, i felt those nonsense i've learnt in sch made sense.
For once i'm grateful i paid attention in sch.. although it's not enough.
Everyday we've been wishin tat the time (weekdays) speed up like a bullet train
but focus and we shall relised 3/4 of the attachment had already past.
What is 10 weeks when we had spent 6 yrs in pri sch, 4 yrs in sec sch, and 2 yrs in poly?
This was in fact, what i've had thought abt when i woke up tis morning while looking
at the ground below me as the sun raised brimming onto the land.
What im anxious is not for IPP to end but to know wat else lies ahead of me.
For instance... my new timetable, classmates, the "survivors"...
PS: i'm not slacking! i'm still working! for every job i've completed i wrote a line :p
PS's PS: have i mentioned there are people HERE with their brain the size/span of a paperclip? Tsk tsk