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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
0 commented | / 1:57 AM

Today is an eternity...
This hour is an eternity...
Life is all abt infinity...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
0 commented | Work management / 7:50 PM

Now take 5 mins away frm work and ponder tis question..
would u rather to have
1) your colleague teach u something WRONG and you do
WRONGly and get scolded OR

2) your colleague just dump u the job w/o teaching and
you do WRONGly and get scolded?

Ps: might take you more than 5 mins thou, or even a lifetime to
tink of a perfect answer.

Ps: with reference to the previous post, so in future im gonna expect ill
make alot mistakes when i come to work. and ill expect to get alot scoldings.

Monday, April 13, 2009
0 commented | Qx little corner / 12:53 AM

Dear friends who are having a difficult time,
could be work stress,
relationship misunderstandings,
family problem,
self-financial crisis etc etc

What u expects always usually doesnt happen,
life is full of unforeseen circumstances.

I know it sounds abit lame but go to work EXPECTing
someone to backstab you and when someone really did
you wont feel as surprised, angry, hopeless, emo, sad,
blar blar and blar....

(if only i can convince myself that too)

Monday, April 6, 2009
0 commented | Frozen times / 7:04 PM

Time seems to stop momentary at this moment of time or as if
i've travel back into time during period of TEP-in fsrc.
Remembering those times where i started tis blog making post
which doesnt make head nor tail.

The situtation is exactly the same right now :)

Except that im actually looking forward for the day's work.
Dont ask why, coz ive no idea either.
Theres nothin interestin, no job worth lookin forward at,
no one exceptionly nice.
Mayb, im jus lookin forward for the last 12 days to pass :)

0 commented | Time / 12:03 AM

Today marks the beginnin of the week.
Today marks the beginnin of the 7th week.
...but not the beginnin of IPP.

Thinkin back on how we wished IPP to start soon, to get away frm
the dreadful books to the point of time now where we just wished
that IPP would end immediatly cos it suks.
Oh but is it really?

Sure, back in sch we gained alot basic knowledge, but it is here we pieces the puzzle together.

For once, i felt those nonsense i've learnt in sch made sense.
For once i'm grateful i paid attention in sch.. although it's not enough.

Everyday we've been wishin tat the time (weekdays) speed up like a bullet train
but focus and we shall relised 3/4 of the attachment had already past.

What is 10 weeks when we had spent 6 yrs in pri sch, 4 yrs in sec sch, and 2 yrs in poly?
This was in fact, what i've had thought abt when i woke up tis morning while looking
at the ground below me as the sun raised brimming onto the land.

What im anxious is not for IPP to end but to know wat else lies ahead of me.
For instance... my new timetable, classmates, the "survivors"...

PS: i'm not slacking! i'm still working! for every job i've completed i wrote a line :p

PS's PS: have i mentioned there are people HERE with their brain the size/span of a paperclip? Tsk tsk

Sunday, March 29, 2009
0 commented | Count down... / 5:39 PM

19days 180.5 hours 10830 minutes 649800 seconds... to... go...
clock's ticking like a runaway chicken.. tick tock tick tock...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
0 commented | Friday - 19 more days to go! / 5:28 PM

Its Fri~day~

Never in my life has this word sounds so beautiful so melodic so smoothening...
Hearing this word in the morning made my lungs inflated,
resulting in a hallucation of myself lifting off my feet a few inches off the ground...

On a side note, who needs a roller coaster ride when we get an extra
crunchy, bumpy shuttlebus ride by -i dun care abt humps- bus drivers every morning?


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