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Friday, October 17, 2008
0 commented | Eileen's Bao Ying / 6:16 AM

After laughing at Kelvin, Eileen came to a even more tragic end...

Moral of story. dun laugh at ppl!

0 commented | 2008 B.D / 5:54 AM

Thanks dear classmates who celebrated wif me. Now tis is Kelvin Koh the 4th time Champion eating his prize sushi... in delight...

0 commented | As promised / 5:27 AM

There you go, Delun <3>

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
0 commented | Sch / 9:55 PM

Sch term has started. It doesn't seems anything much like yr 1 nor TEP. Maybe coz i'm used to the company of TEP freaks.

Oh i'm starting to regret taking up Jap during the 1st lesson. Taking language lessons is like going back to Kindergarden. Read after me! 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E'....
Theres Oral, Dictation AND role play.

Speaking of dictation.... i remembered i've always get 3 marks for chinese dictation and spelling ever since pri 4. Hence... my chinese teacher Mr Leow always called me '3 fen xian shen' ( Mr 3 Marks)

Thinking back its kinda embrassing.
Hope my Jap language doesn't let history repeat itself.

Good news, National Education doesnt take place every week
Bad news, i still dunno wat the fsh is going on. wat do i need to do for NE.

Bad news, again, all project groupings are 'random'. so far my groupings aint tat bad, not... bad... :'(

Good news ---> tis is the end of my ranting for today :)

-Note for today-
-Law of attractions-
i'm so gonna get GPA of 4.1 tis year! YES!
Ask and thou shall recieve
Believe and thou shall get

Sunday, October 12, 2008
0 commented | End of FSRC "Skit" / 9:02 PM

Congrats the newly Wed
random pic
FSRC gang

To mark the end of FSRC attachement... we.... did... alittle... skit!

omg we look like kids playing "jia jia jiu". -_-

i promise ill post a clearer one after Wandin sent me... 4 days and counting... snorexz...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
0 commented | / 9:17 PM

Drew while im bored @ home!
Drew in fsrc when im booored!
left to right - Celine, Delun, Wensong, Yuting... ahh the one who got punched and flew is me >.<

Monday, October 6, 2008
0 commented | 061008 / 3:58 AM

fooooooooo. another day past watching videos in fsrc.
after which met randall, (forgot her name), delun, celine, yuting, wensong
@ ps for lunch then Cathay for movie, -Eagle eye- the story plot is different but somehow the robot thingy feels familar. anyway, nice show, i give 4/5 stars!

ps: the other show -Connected- is the same as a english show. totally same except actors.

collect pay le! woo got money play more! now to cash in ^^

i've recovered from emo-ing and blabbering like a child kekeke... sry for all e troubles i've bought ^-^v. weird that i've suddenly turn like tat back then loh!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
0 commented | 04/061008 Sat & Sun / 9:05 PM

both days working @ Suntec for the career exhibition
suprisingly my co-workers are frm nyp too. year 2 and having their studies 1st
they will be swapping over to TEP soon -may God Blast Yoo-

i err forgot their names again. for the 3rd time. but the girl looks quite familar. looks abit like another friend in TEP, she knows about it too she did mention something abt it.

last week of FSRC starts in a few hrs time!
shoppping tmr, i need a bag, a windbreaker/jacket (cos i lost mine again.. and again.... yet again..)
and a new phone. i give up trying to repair mine, always forgot, lazy etc

0 commented | 031008 / 9:05 PM

somehow every1 of us felt it was extremely bright in fsrc today. althought its only 9am
wensong and i were playing TD all the way while the rest were watching moo-vies, specifically Mirrors

after skool we went to shop in orchard b4 settling down for makan at Pasta Mania then not knowing wat to do i intro them the Wii gaming bwahaha.
any1 reading tis post should try to watch them playing boxing.
it was H.i.l.a.r.i.o.u.s.....

round 1: wensong VS celine
celine who keep saying she dunno how to play keep KOing wensong....
do i have to mention where she keep punching wensong....? no papa day for virtual reality wensong....

round 2: wensong VS delun
wensong won! must be fustrated from the lost

round 3: wensong VS celine -again
do i have to repeat.....?

fuzz back by train. tired siol

0 commented | 021008 thurs / 8:57 PM

today marks the END of FSRC's report and presentation! horray!
schedule for next week - movies, movies and movies!
let me get a list of shows to watch in fsrc kekekex

fsrc is a goner for me. i tink illl get C or at most a B nia. 60% / 40% respectively
my presentations are all either cocked up or too short... as for ppts the teachers never notice much...
they all focus on presentation skills, not sure how i fare for the peer appraisal either.
not so good i tink, i'm damn slack in fsrc.
a difference of heaven and hell if compared with emrs.

0 commented | 290908 Monday / 8:57 PM

woot presentation is postponed to thurs instead of tmr so....
we decided to go play poo errr pool...
attendance taken:
Me, Myself, Qx, I
Kwan Leng
Jonathan (not our skool one)

@#@$#@ wat the 'toot' i lost 3 games in a row but after tat i nv loooooose!
bwahahahaaaa........ lucky~
lunch and dinner @ the same place.... grrrrrrr......

0 commented | 280908 Sunday / 8:41 PM

Oh great its sunday, but still need to work. gosh...

guess wut?
reporting time 11am again. but fiak him. i report at 11.30 and wrote 11am :x
Zou bo till 6pm! we were kinda betting wat time we can slack till. every1 of them say 1~3pm but i hiong. i say 4.30pm. and i won. no prize thou. bleah...
i found 1 other standby dude familar but i didnt pay attention much till she mentioned her name...
hui hui... for those in #kel will know who buahaaha. i shouldnt talk much here keekee.

we were given a "special" task @ 6pm with extra $ of $20. joseph was there negiotiating with him for damn long. at least 1/2 hr.
the supervisor asked us to wash toilet! zomg. even with extra monies its a no no. so dirty (public ones)
but in the end we have to submit. we all dun feel good collecting $ and not working for all 3 days. plus got extra $ plus we get to stick together in pairs.
Roche was with Mh for 1 toilet and me wif joseph.
me and joseph did wash.. twice.....
rochey and mh didnt wash at all! they only pick rubbish and refill toilet papers!
excuses given is too much ppl how to wash!

@ the end of the day we were released at around 11+++ so i decided to join eileen and J.Shan instead of taking the company buzz.
note: do not trust the sotong queen eileen in future. she took us a 30 mins walk frm Gate 1 all the way to BUGIS! we are suppose to be either at kallang/city hall/lavendar mrt station. which are the nearest...

sigh... sch @ 8.30am the next day and on top of that. we have to hand up our personal selling report and TEP report. guess no sleep tonight....

0 commented | 270908 Saturday / 8:41 PM

Tired sio~ although doin nutting.
i dun understand why standby also need to reach at 11 loh!
we slacked till like 7pm then got things to do.

nothin much for this day except slackin the whole time in popey and joseph's friend is a supervisor there so we get cheap fooooooood :)

wizzed home again by the company buzz.

0 commented | 260908 / 8:09 PM

ok im back tracking to some interesting stuff to cock.. i mean blog abt.Raining in the morning and i've to work later @ the F1 thingy as a shitty CLEANER!
bwahhaa for some shitty $6 per hr nia~
-side track-
i dun wannna work de but then we've (Roche, Amily, Shan, Mel, Kaixin, Minghong, Myself) already signed some contract thingy.
on top of that... WE ARE ON STANDBY!!! WOOT
in short Roche MingHong and myself just have to sit ard doing NOTHING the whole day till our service are required.
-back to story-
-part 1-
its raining and i rushed to skool!
stayed and slacked till like 10am and i vroom down to marina square to meet the rest @ 11am
-part 2-
we were then splitted up according to our job scope,
me, mh and roche stayed together for like 2 hr till mh was wizzed off to....
clean the toilets... (according to him the vip toilets were VERY VERY clean, and air-con, very shiok)
6 hrs left b4 work end. roche was posted to the flyers to pick rubbish.
since he couldnt find a partner to team up with, he decided to be an explorer.
he went to find minghong and tgt they journey the area and went looking for shan and mel in the VIP area.
I was posted to the suite area together with a new friend - joseph.
by some strike of luck, we were the same station as my classmates Eileen and Jinshan.
Our job scope is very simple loh~ eg: watch them sweep the floor, tour around the corridoor, go inside the suite and watch the F1 race, its air conditioned too, not to mention crunching on the food cooked by the chef too. 5 letters to describe it - S.H.IO.K

At the end of the day we had a debrief which ended at 1am. reason is cos they aint satisfied with our performances. alot ppl quitted because the job is too tiring, dirty, etc etc ( not for us of cos)

took the company hired bus homie, pong pong and oink oink. next day work starts at 11 again...

0 commented | 250908 Thurs / 8:09 PM

I wanted to take MC for tmr so i can go work!
But e clinic's closed and the next one is like 2 bustop away.
i decided to go sch 1/2 day then jiabo (spelt correctly?) half way for work....
save the doc fee too!

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